Membership in AFIO is open to all U.S. citizens who adhere to AFIO's principles, subscribe to AFIO's educational objectives, and wish to support - or participate in - AFIO activities and programs. There are two categories of membership: Members and Associate Members. Both Members and Associate Members may be officers or directors of the Association.
Members - Current and Former U.S. intelligence, counterintelligence, military, law enforcement and related (e.g. security) personnel (any rank or level), may become Members.
Associate Members - U.S. citizens in private, civil, academic or corporate pursuits, as well as, Americans currently in non-intelligence government employment (at any level) or other military service, may become Associate Members.
Those not wishing membership or non-U.S. citizens, may subscribe to some of our publications as a Subscribers.
Subscribers - AFIO offers an e-mail-only subscription option for non-U.S. citizens, those who live abroad, Institutions, Libraries, and individuals (in the U.S., Canada or abroad -- who do not wish, at this time, to join the organization or do not qualify for membership).
Members - Current and Former U.S. intelligence, counterintelligence, military, law enforcement and related (e.g. security) personnel (any rank or level), may become Members.
Associate Members - U.S. citizens in private, civil, academic or corporate pursuits, as well as, Americans currently in non-intelligence government employment (at any level) or other military service, may become Associate Members.
Those not wishing membership or non-U.S. citizens, may subscribe to some of our publications as a Subscribers.
Subscribers - AFIO offers an e-mail-only subscription option for non-U.S. citizens, those who live abroad, Institutions, Libraries, and individuals (in the U.S., Canada or abroad -- who do not wish, at this time, to join the organization or do not qualify for membership).
If you are interested in joining our chapter, you must first join AFIO National. To remain a chapter member, your national membership must be current. Please complete and submit AFIO Membership Application below